Keep it simple

Very few people like complexity and fewer still like unnecessary complexity. In an article in the Washington Post examining why Apple is successful, the author states:

Apple’s success doesn’t come from those cute Hi, I’m a Mac ads. It’s a product of a consistent focus on simplicity and elegance

The emphasis is mine.

Our Advice: Keep your systems SIMPLE and make sure they work. Teams only want a few things from your tournament: 1) To register easily, 2) to find deals and hotels quickly and effortlessly and 3) to find scores, standings and photos with more ease and effort than finding a hotel.

That’s it! There is nothing else to deliver to your guest teams at a soccer tournament. Anything beyond that is a complication the teams won’t accept, regardless of how important you or your sponsors feel it is. So, given that, the challenge is to work within those needs. Serve up ads within the context of scores or email messages. Don’t allow advertising to complicate the system. Don’t force viewers to register to view the scores or photos. Don’t make teams register first to see the available hotels. Don’t make every field on your application required. Get out of their way so they can get to you faster.

Also, keep your systems simple for your staff and volunteers. Entering scores should be a one-click and done action, not a click-click-wait-click-verify-click… you get the idea. A TourneyCentral system keeps everything simple, uncomplicated and just plain works.

Ironically, the simpler the software is to use for the guest teams and your staff, the more time and effort goes into writing it. But, that is where TourneyCentral shines and will continue to do so in an ongoing effort to un-complicate processes as the soccer tournament industry develops.