Where are your photos?

It is Sunday evening after the tournament and your photographer said they would post the photos from the weekend after the tournament. So, where are they? Your teams are asking. It is after the tournament, the teams have all gone home and they were promised photos after the tournament.

When you call the photographers, they are dead tired and think that your request that they stay up all night and get some photos up on their site (or yours) for your teams to look at is an unreasonable request. They hang up on you. But, is your request really all that unreasonable?

In the Soccer Tournament Web 1.0 world, it is. Everyone knows that it takes several days to process the photos that were taken and that waiting a few extra days to se and order photos is just the way things are. But, this is Soccer Tournament Web 2.0. Things are supposed to happen real time. The photos are digital and should be uploaded almost immediately. The teams want to relive the experience right now, not wait until Thursday.

Our advice: When working with a photographer, make sure they understand that your tournament is real-time and that they should make arrangements to have a stream of photos going up all weekend long, with the balance of the photos on the site, ready for ordering no later than Monday morning (or the day after your soccer tournament.) The teams have an attention span of about two days. Anything posted after that is just a lot of effort for nothing as very few teams will visit to find photos after that.