Soccer tournaments looking forward to 2012

2012 will be our thirteenth year providing an end-to-end, comprehensive tournament system for soccer tournaments. With each year, we continue to add more features as the soccer market continues to evolve rapidly around the fastest-growing team sport worldwide. It’s an exciting time to be involved in the sport.

This year, our 2012 youth soccer tournament calendar is shaping up handsomely, with most of our top of the year events already taking applications. I opened the calendar this morning and already see a Jan 6 deadline for the Total Soccer College Showcase! That sure came fast

2012 will be the year mobile really starts taking off. For our part, we have outfitted all of our tournaments with QR Codes so parents with smartphones can take advantage of fast-loading scores, DEALS and news no matter where they are, on the field or off.

Next weekend, TourneyCentral will be at the NSCAA, THE SHOW to be at for anyone in the soccer industry. We are looking forward to meeting up with old friends and making new ones at the show. Stop on by and say hi!

Overall, 2012 is going to be a kicking year.

This blog post is part of a blog-off series with a group of bloggers from different professions and world views, each exploring a theme from his/her world view. This was about exploring the theme, what are you looking forward to in the new year? To explore how others handled the theme, check them out below. I will add links as they publish.