Soccer photos

Sunrise over Ohio Soccer field

Sunrise over Ohio Soccer field

Margaret Workman went to a soccer tournament on Saturday, April 25 to watch a soccer game. But she saw so much more than the busy parking lots, the soccer uniforms, the hassle of getting her kids to the field on time, the misprints in the program, the unfair referee calls, the elbow shoves, the bad coffee, the horrible maps, the fact that her team had a 7:30am game, and ______________ (fill in the blank).

She saw a sunrise. She saw an opportunity to share nature’s beauty with those around her. She took a moment to enjoy something that none of us could ever make regardless of how much time, volunteers and other resources we were given.

Thank you, Margaret, for keeping us humble and reminding us all of what is truly important.

View the rest of the game photos here.