Sending your teams to the web site

This email came over to a tournament from a frazzled team rep.

I sent an email last week asking when the schedule would be posted and it was said that it would be no later than March 19.  I still can’t find the schedule — is it posted?  I need to get this information to my team by Wednesday as everyone is leaving for Spring Break and needs this information.  Could you please let me know when it will be posted?

I put the part in italics because that will be my point from here.

It is now 2009. Every kid under 20 alive today was born with the Internet fully functioning and Web sites available anytime, anywhere. Are team reps still printing out copies of the schedule and maps for every kid to see? Really?

I played the part of a coach/team rep for the last time in 2004 for a U19 boys team. My parting words before they went on their Spring Break was “Go to www….. and look up your schedule. Be on time for the games.”

And everyone was there, on time, in the right place, dressed to play. That was five years ago.

Our advice: Schedules are available in real time, via the Web site. That is just where things have evolved. Be sure to let the team rep know that the only and official schedule is on your Web site and that s/he should tell the parents what that Web address is.

Teams reps need to free up some of their time by NOT making copies of game schedules that cold change at the last minute. Players and their parents need to be encouraged to take responsibility for getting to the right game at the right time and place. Your Web site has all the information, in real time.