Make sure your soccer tournament t-shirts sell

You stress over your soccer tournament shirt design every year and every year, it is the same question; Will it sell? Am I going to be stuck with excess inventory? Getting to Yes, it will sell and No, you won’t have excess inventory is surprisingly easy.

American Eagle, Hollister, Abercrombie, Aeropostale and Old Navy are doing your market research for you right now! If you hop on their web sites (or, even better, go shopping in their stores) you will find what kids in your target market are buying. Simply adapt your logo and soccer tournament design to match the trendy looks and you’ve got yourself a winning shirt design.

Don’t just copy a design you find hanging, however and be sure that you work with an artist that can take the style and adapt it to make it uniquely yours. After all, soccer players are still coming to your event and the shirt should reflect your brand.

Our advice: Pay attention to trends outside the soccer world. It may hurt to watch a little MTV or pay attention to the story line on The Hills, but a little research time in front of the tv and in the shopping malls may just be what keeps your shirt design fresh and selling quickly. And, please hire a talented, forward-thinking designer for your shirt (and pay market rates!)… this little bit of investment will go a long way toward beefing up your bottom line.