
I love compliments. I can be having the crappiest day, have three dozen people all ticked off at me for something I probably didn’t do and then I get something like this and it all doesn’t matter.

Just wanted to tell you that your tournament website is great – one of the best I’ve seen. Everything I need as a parent of a player. Thanks.

The person who sent this (about 2 minutes ago) didn’t need to. We all know it is easier (and more fun?) to complain than to take a few minutes and drop someone a quick email letting them know they are doing something well. But, it makes such a huge difference! (Thank you parent of a Mead Cup player. If you are reading this, you already know who you are.)

Our Advice: Don’t let the people with bad attitude, axes to grind or complaints get you down. Most likely, they are in the minority and they are just louder. If you are doing a good job, nobody will probably tell you. If you are doing an exceptional job, maybe one person will tell you. Maybe. It only takes one to lift up your day.