Facebook is the most popular social media platform, so we will show you how to embed content you are posting from your tournament event PAGE (not a personal profile. If you are using a personal profile, you really should create a PAGE to get the maximum benefit of all the available tools.)
Other social platforms are similar and make the embed feature a lot more visible.
1. Log into facebook and post a story with photos, videos or other links.
2. Find the down arrow in the upper right hand corner and click down the menu. Select the EMBED menu choice.
3. A modal dialog box will show up with the embed code. COPY THE ENTIRE CODE.
4. Create a new FRONT PAGE NEWS story or edit your ABOUT page in your Web Maintenance Module. PASTE the line of code where you wish the Facebook content to appear. The embed code can stand alone in the story, but be sure to add a headline, dates and excerpt so your story appears properly on the page.
That is all there is to it. If you edit your Facebook post, the content on your website will change as well. If you remove your content from Facebook, however, you should remove the news story or line in your ABOUT page as well or it will show up as a broken link.
For optimal load times on your website, you should limit embedded content to 1-2 stories on the page.