00: Scheduling your Tournament; Overview

Scheduling a soccer tournament is a pretty straight-forward process. Good scheduling requires human skill and attention to detail, but the steps to get there are fairly basic.

Start with the Scheduling Dashboard. Do the steps in order. Don’t jump around, don’t jump the gun. Make sure each is solid before proceeding to the next. Remember, changes done early in the process are always less complicated than changes done at the end.

Here are the specific steps, in the order they should be done. If you have created a schedule last year, most of the data you will need is already in the system. You will need to edit, add or delete based on your current year’s distribution of teams. Review last year’s schedule for what worked.


  1. Create and define your divisions based on the distribution of teams who applied. GO
  2. Set up your dates and all possible play start times. GO
  3. Set up your venues and playing fields on each venue. GO
  4. Create placeholder teams. If you set up up divisions carefully you should be able to create all your placeholders in one fell swoop with one button. GO
  5. Place your teams in divisions, bracket and seed them. Pay attention to the seeding order and the groups they will be placed in. GO
  6. Update and/or review your tie-breaker rules. GO
  7. Schedule games by division. If you seeded properly and set up your divisions well, the pairings will fall into place. GO
  8. Review and publish GO

00: Overview
01: Set up tournament divisions
02: Set game times and dates
03: Set up venues and playing fields
04: Create Placeholder Teams
05: Placing Teams into Tournament Divisions/Groups
06: Update and/or review your tie-breaker rules.
07: Schedule games by division
08: Review and publish
09: Making Changes to a Schedule

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