What advertising opportunities are available for my sponsors and advertisers?

Advertising on a TourneyCentral website take an integrated approach, i.e., we don’t just plop a banner on a page and hope your teams click on it. The Internet audience today doesn’t see banners anymore, much less click on them. To most users, they are in the way of the content. In addition, many advertisers do not have the skills to make web banners, so we simply do not support them.

We host advertising content your teams want to click on through from the DEALS banner at the upper right corner of every page, We also serve your advertisers’ ad as a text ad right below the main menu and the page content. Text gets indexed by search engines; graphics do not.

In addition to a listing in the DEALS, we enable you to serve a short offer directly on the page, with a tab click to a coupon or flyer and an embedded video. If the advertiser has a Twitter account and/or Facebook Fan Page, you can provide links to that as well directly on the advertiser’s listing.

For “sponsors only” (not DEALS) they appear on the Sponsors page available through the top menu.

And lastly, for a large sponsor you wishes to be on every page, we have reserved the upper left corner, right above the team and game drop down menus. (the size for this placement is 120×120 and there is only 1 inventory spot available per tournament website.)

Here is where everything is as your guest teams see it:

Front page:

Ad placements on the front page. Text ads and major sponsor ad appears on every page. If the advertiser has a website, the name is linked on the text ad.

DEALS Page (The DEALS “coupon” shows on every page)

Typical DEALS listing with Twitter, Facebook links. This listing has a flyer and video as well as a Superdeal (text in the box)

DEALS listing when the Flyer tab is clicked. Notice a link to a higher-res PDF is available.

DEALS listing when the video tab is clicked. The video should be hosted on YouTube or Vimeo, publicly viewable and embedable.

Sponsor page

The sponsor page is built from the advertising module, from the records marked Major Sponsor

Since there is no cost to the tournament for listing a sponsor on the page, you are encouraged to check the Sponsor checkbox for all your advertisers who run DEALS.

Additional Services
Many tournaments also integrate advertisers and sponsors into the emails that are sent out to the teams for registration, acceptance, schedules, etc. You may even wish to send out an email to the teams specifically for an offer from a large sponsor. You are free to do as much advertising via email as you wish for advertisers who are listed in the DEALS area. (You may not use the integrated team modules to blast out offers for sponsors/advertisers who do not advertise on your website.) You should exercise care when undertaking this kind of program as some teams may view it as spam, particularly when it is done too often.

You can also use your tournament twitter account to send out a tweet for sponsors, particularly on-site vendors right before lunch, etc.