Tracking hotel rooms with 100% accuracy has always been a bit elusive. Sometimes the person applying to the tournament and housing the team are not the same person and this information is just simply not known by the main contact. Other times, the team will not book a block of rooms until they are accepted. There are also a lot of other reasons why this information is hard to get.
To get accurate information, you may want to consider working with a reputable housing agency and requiring a “Stay to Play” policy.
We have an optional reporting tool that we can turn on that presents an information form to the team between logging on and confirming participation. To turn the form on for your tournament, just ask.
It looks like this to the team when they log in.
We made it as frictionless as possible to avoid frustrating the head coach who may just want to confirm the team and doesn’t know so there is no error-reporting or required fields. But most people will give it an honest attempt.
While getting hotel info is important, we feel the form should not frustrate the coach out of confirming participation, or worst, confirming via a separate email which creates more work for you. Your housing coordinator can always follow up with the contact if something looks amiss or incomplete.
Reporting is in the Hotel Module.